"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12
Friday, August 5, 2011
Uprising is a night of worship and teaching, led by students and churches in the community. God willing, I would like to see the first Uprising in November, and every semester following at different locations led by different people. It's a giant task, one that I cannot do alone. I ask and challenge you to start praying about this if God puts it on your heart. If you would like to be involved in this process/event at all, please let me know I would love to talk to you about it.
God is moving in Grand Rapids, and He wants to start an Uprising in the hearts and lives of university-aged students.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Camp Camp Camp
I love church camp. There's something about sleeping in cabins, swimming in a lake, and eating starchy foods for a week that makes me smile. Now, the food isn't all that fantastic, but I do love what camp is about, what it embodies. Giving students of any age 5-6 days away from home, where they build genuine friendships with peers and leaders, where they do unique activities like a zip line or the blob, but most importantly they have a week to get to know who God is and what his Son did for us.
I went to camp in middle school and have some very sweet memories of the week I spent away from home. Camp was a formative experience in my walk with Christ. For the past 3 years I have had the privilege to being a counselor at camp for middle school students. Going to camp is the highlight of my summer. A few weeks ago our church headed down to Trafalgar, Indiana to Camp Allendale.
Each year of camp has a different mood or feel to it. Last year, I saw students respond almost immediately to the sermons and worship. This year, we as leaders saw such bondage on the hearts and lives of the campers. Over the course of the week, we saw those burdens lifted and the chains broken in their lives. It was amazing to see the Spirit of God move in their hearts.
In my family, which had 11 campers and two other leaders, I believe God planted many seeds in their hearts. Though I did not see the eager responsiveness like my group last year, I know God will continue to work in them as they return home to their family, friends, and school.
I could go on and on about camp, but I at least wanted my thoughts on what God did that week. Oh! and did I mention that we spent the whole week in the book of Nehemiah? How cool is it, that we're diving not only into Scripture, but the Old Testament at youth camp. I think that's pretty cool. Anyway, here are some pictures from the week. Enjoy!
Some of my campers on their way up to the zip line!
All the 5-8th graders during the Morning Show
Family team-building time
Friday, July 1, 2011
1 Samuel 12:20-25
"Do not be afraid," Samuel replied. "You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own. As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will be swept away."
I read this passage this morning and it hit me hard in my face. Samuel was speaking to Saul after he make a bad decision in battle. The truth of Samuel's statements still apply today. Reading it this morning was a very good reminder for me that my sin in my past does not determine my future. I am to turn from the 'useless idols' and follow God. He will not reject me, because God was pleased to me his own. I am to fear God and serve him faithfully with everything that I have.
What a wonderful reminder this morning!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Blessings Given and Blessings Received
I experienced this last week at the Thursday Dinner Table, a ministry at my church that serves a free meal to the community once a week. It was a very busy night at the TDT with a modest count of 150 people and an excess of volunteers who came joyfully to serve. One of our volunteers, Joe, who comes about once a month was helping on the serving line. Joe's quite the sarcastic person, who always has a comeback on the tip of his tongue.
What I did not know about Joe, was last week was the last time he would be there. He's moving to the East coast to start a new job. Though it is exciting to have a new job that can help you make a career, it saddens me that he won't be able to join us at the TDT anymore.
Joe came unexpectedly to the TDT crew and blessed us with his presence, sarcastic or not. It makes me wonder if we were able to bless him like he blessed us. These brief interactions with people I believe cannot go with meaning or purpose. God intersects our lives together for periods of time to teach or show us something. Or perhaps to teach or show someone else. Personally speaking, it is so hard to see these moments because I am stuck looking at myself and not other people.
I guess I was reminded from the brief intersection of Joe and the TDT that I need to stop looking at myself all the time. It is so easy to miss unbelievable opportunities to serve and love on others when I am more concerned about what "I" am doing the next day or who "I" want to spend time with. I want to challenge you, and I'm challenging myself at the same time, to open our eyes to the lives of those around us. Ask for God to provide opportunities to help others. If we ask with an earnest and sincere heart, he will always provide.
I hope for the best for Joe in his future and that we'll see his face again at the Thursday Dinner Table.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Every name has a story
God has been showing me that these people are precious to him and every single one of them has a story. God created all of us to live a story that is unique and extraordinary, and He made us to live that story with one another. Unfortunately, some have faced circumstances that have separated them from the community that God intends. Our society sees them as homeless, drug-addicted, prostitutes, drop-outs, or alcoholics - put on the outskirts of society. It was not meant to be this way.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites had to follow a strict code of laws and regulations to consider right before God. They could not be 'unclean' and allowed in the camp. They could become 'unclean' by burying the dead, women on their period, leprosy and various diseases. When the Israelites became 'unclean' they had to live outside the camp for a designated time, then they could enter the camp and make the sacrifice for their sin. When Christ came, he made us clean - washed away all the things that would put us outside of the camp. We are not to banish the 'unclean' of our society to live in isolation; they are made clean in Christ.
There are so many ways to start reaching out to those in our cities that have names and stories, but no one to share them with. Here's a few that God has brought to my attention over the past few months.
- Degage Ministries in Grand Rapids - Serves Lost Cost Meals to the poor and homeless in GR
- Food Pantry and TDT - Food pantry and free community meal offered by my home church
- CHIP Indy - Coalition to End Homelessness, Intervention and Prevention
- The Healing Center - A massive resource center that provide emotionally, spiritually, physically, and relationally to those in need
- Second Helpings - Recycles food from restaurants to provide ready-to-cook meals for non-profit organizations
Though these are organizations and church doing great things, it can be as simple as donating canned food. Tonight at the Hillsong United Concert, they're doing a canned good drive. Check it out here. These can be the starting steps to helping people, and eventually learning their stories and sharing your life with them.
Every name has a story, you know your own - but do you know theirs?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Holy Spirit...what's that?
At the end of Chan's book, he talks about about our biography and what it would look like if the Holy Spirit working in us mightily.
"A biography that speaks of a life so supernatural that no one would even consider giving you the glory. A biography that displays the power of the Spirit and lifts up the name of Jesus to the glory of God the Father."
...a life so supernatural, no one would give me glory, only God. I want to live a life like that, where I can only ever point to God and when others see my life, they look to God and praise him.
In this passion and desire God has instilled in me for the Christians, especially in the universities, in Grand Rapids area - I want people to see God and praise him in my life and actions, not me. I hope and pray that I would be led by the Holy Spirit in this area of my life (well, in every area of my life). I want "a life in which people know that our accomplishments could not have been attained by our own power. A life that brings glory to God in heaven." (another quote from Chan's book).
I am quite certain that unifying a large, diverse group of believers is not to be accomplished by the hands of men, but only by the Creator of us all.
Today, I am reminded that though passion-filled people often the face and voice of God's doings - it is God and God only who does those things.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Colorado Beauty
I know this post doesn't follow the purpose of this blog, but I wanted to share some pictures of the sites I saw. I hope you can revel in the glory of God's creation like I was able to on my trip.
(Mueller State Park)
(My favorite hike/view in all my Colorado travels)
Mueller State Park
(Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs)
Pride.....in a good way
This morning I was reading in 1 Thessalonians chapter 3 about Paul's love of the Thessalonians and his joy in their faith. As I read through this chapter, I hear a leader exuding extreme joy for the people he has poured his heart and life into. He has literally poured his life since he wrote the letter after being torn away from the people through trials.
I reflect just a portion of Paul's emotions here when I think about the ministries and the people I have poured my life and heart into.
"Timothy...has brought good news about your faith and love." (vs. 6)
"in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith." (vs.7)
"For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord." (vs. 8)
"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." (vs. 12)
Let me share a recent example of this:
Two very dear friends of mine from church, they are sisters -one graduated a few years ago and the other is still in high school - are going on a mission trip to Haiti in just a few short weeks. They both had been working extremely hard to raise funds for this trip, but money was still short. $700 short to be exact. The day before the rest of their money was due, someone made an announcement at the high school youth group bible study that these sisters needed money, which was due the next day. So, the youth group decided to take a collection for the two.
Remember, these are high schoolers who have little or no money whatsoever. Within 15 minutes, every penny that was needed for the remainder of the trip had been collected and counted. Let me say that again, in 15 minutes - less than 80 high schoolers gave $700.
Seeing those students give of themselves to another person, maybe even someone they don't know, proud is not a strong enough word to describe my feelings. I do not take ownership of that youth group, but it is a group of people I poured 4 years of my life into and I cannot help but smile when I see how God is moving in that group of young people.
It is in moments like these that I remember how great our God is. He is no small being that can only do small things. He can and does bigger things than we can imagine.
Colossians 1:15-20
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Walking into a church that's not my own
Before you start thinking that I'm leaving my own church - let me explain myself. There are many days when I'm driving or walking around a town and I see a church, and I want to go in. I want to talk to the pastors, the elders, the congregants and ask them about their church. I want to hear what God is doing in their faith family (term coined by David Platt). I want to hear the amazing stories that fill their hallways and coffee areas - just as they do at my church.
For me, it is super exciting to see and hear how God is moving in my church. H ow much greater the excitement about the movement of God in another church. I know I can be narrow-minded many times and think that God is only in present in my church, my family, or among my friends. Oh, how wrong am I! How big is our God, and how present is He all over the world.
That's one reason I want to walk into other churches - as a healthy reminder of how infinite God is. He is not confined the the walls of White River Christian Church or Cornerstone University or my own heart. He is so great, in a sense of magnitude. The verses go on and on about the greatness of God: Isaiah 40:15-18; Psalm 89:6; Psalm 139; Job 36:26. (Check out this article if you want to see where I got these verses.)
I think division can come so quickly between believers when we forget that we all worship the same God. I am including myself in this mindset, too. There are so many times I forget that students at Calvin, Kuyper and other schools have a relationship with the God I call Abba, Father. There are other churches in world that are doing things right. I think a shift of thinking can occur when we remember these things. It will look differently for everyone. For me, it makes me want to walk into other churches or talk to strangers about their relationship with Christ (this is another post for another day).
I want to challenge you to think about these things, talk to God about them, wrestle with it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.
So, if you see a random 19-year old girl walking through your church or talking to your pastor some weekday afternoon - it just might be me.
Friday, April 29, 2011
His Good and Perfect Timing
If there's anything I've learned through this crazy journey with God in the last month, it is His good and perfect timing. One could say that my push and urgency to create unity has dwindled greatly. And, I guess you could say that, but it feels different to me. I do not feel defeated as others and I have felt when you feel so very strongly about something and it falls through.
I do not think this idea of unity among belivers across campus and denominational borders has fallen through. God has only said, "Not yet, just wait." Though at times it has been frustrating trying to share my enthusiasm and passion with people only to get a nod and a smile, I know God is working and moving. In his good and perfect timing. God has brought some amazing people my direction with whom I have shared many wonderful conversations about how to foster unity between our campuses.
I don't think we'll see his full in this tomorrow, next week, or even in the next year, but I am encouraged to know and see how He is moving individually in the lives of His children. God is moving and doing things for and through us. He is stretching us and growing us, and it's a beautiful thing.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.....What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:28, 31
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Baby Steps
Monday, March 14, 2011
Giving God the Glory
I was reading today about God's global purpose, and our role in that purpose. Plain and simple, God's purpose is to glorify himself. In absolutely everything he does, he gives himself glory. That's our purpose in life as well, though we are not very good at doing so.
Anyway, in one of his chapters he quotes a Christian American asking the question, Why am I so blessed when other have so little? The answer, though simple in nature, made so much unbelievable sense. We are greatly blessed, to bring him great glory.
It's so simple, yet so difficult to grasp and live out. Imagine if those who are greatly blessed (that means you!) turned around and gave all the glory back to God. Making it slightly more personal for college students or young adults, imagine if your able, healthy body, your intelligence, your good grades, your successful career, your relationships, your house, your car, everything that you've been blessed with, imagine if you immediately turned all the glory back to God and used those blessings to show to the rest of the earth God's glory.
If Christian Americans did that today, our nation would no longer be considered consumers, a selfish and greedy nation, but the most self-less nation in the world. Today, I would like to challenge you to take your blessings and give God the glory, then find some way to use those blessings to share God's glory and name with some one else. I'd love to hear your stories and/or opinion/thoughts on this. I'm no where near an expert on this, and do not speak from some pedestal of authority. I'm no better at this than the next person.
This week, I cling to the fact that God is still moving in GR and the world, though at times I do not see it with my eyes. Our God is always good.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sweet Fellowship
On Friday, I hung out with my cousin and his girlfriend listening to some bands play for a CD release and a fundraiser concert for a mission trip to Haiti. I didn't necessarily experience fellowship here, but I observed it. I saw Christians from, what I'm assuming are, different backgrounds worship and fellowship together. It was an encouragement to me not only to see the common bond present among then but also to see people pursuing Christ in a different city.
On Sunday, I went to the college group at my church. Besides a couple of people, we all attend different universities. It was wonderful to see people from different schools come together to study the scripture and worship. Now, most of us attend the same church, so we already have that bond together. But, I see how God can go beyond that.
This is where I want to see not only the college group at my church but also believers in Grand Rapids to grow. I want to see not only different schools come together but also different church backgrounds and denominations. I challenge you to imagine a community where no walls and boundaries are present between churches that bear different names. Imagine if no dissension was amongst Christians because our hearts were so enthralled and captivated with Christ that minuscule differences would not create the division that is currently present.
These things and so much are what I see, what I dream about, and what I hope and pray for the future. This is what keeps me awake at night and puts a fire in my bones.
God has been, is, and will always be moving and His Name will be glorified.
Philippians 2:1-3
"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value other above yourselves."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Interactions with Calvin College
He was very polite as I explained my vague and currently unguided ideas and thoughts, but in the end I clearly saw one reaction, hesitation. I'm not sure where this hesitation lies and where it originated, but I am praying that God will work in the hearts of those he wants to use to start this uniting process. I'll be honest, when I got to my car after we talked for only half an hour I was deflated. I had thought a door was slowly and politely shut in my face. That next day Satan was more than happy to chatter those words in my mind all day.
However, after what I experience tonight I think there is at least a brick if not more in that door. Calvin has a Sunday night chapel called Loft that is provided for students and anyone else interested in coming. Myself and two other friends decided to check it and see what it was like. Though Calvin's service was more traditional than Cornerstone's chapels usually are, I thoroughly enjoyed watching people worship Christ in a different way than I am accustomed to. Their chaplain, who's a women (woot woot), gave a powerful and thought-provoking message about the faith of the centurion and who our authority will be, Jesus or the things of this world.
The thought came to mt mind while she spoke about how so much disunity is created based upon worship or teaching (not referencing the recent Rob Bell frenzy). When we began worship and when the chaplain went up to speak, I felt this pretension rise up in me, almost like I changed from participator to observer. As if, because I didn't go to Calvin, the words of the chaplain didn't apply to me. Boy was I wrong, she challenged me to evaluate how and when I approach and trust God.
Do I only trust God when he fixes the smaller things in my life or do I go to him with the one thing that matters most to me in my life? The centurion, according to Jesus, had more faith than anyone in Israel. Do I have faith like the centurion? Do I go to Christ with the one thing I wish to cling to most?
God is moving, changing hearts and lives, challenging the complacent and the passionate, and His Name will be Glorified.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Remodeling and Renaming
Let me explain what I'll be writing about for the next few months, or even the new few years. Since I've began at Cornerstone University, in Grand Rapids, MI, I've noticed an incomplete picture of the body of Christ among the students at the Christian universities in the Grand Rapids, West Michigan area. Sure, we compete against each other in athletic events, but outside of that I see no efforts from the schools to unite us together as one body of Christ. I want to change that. I want students from Calvin, Kuyper, Aquinas, Hope, Cornerstone, and others to come together as one body of believers to make God's name great. I want to see us grow in relationship to Christ together, serve together, sacrifice together, and give glory to God together.
As of right now, I have no idea what that may look like and where God is leading, but I am trusting that he will do something radical among the Christian universities in this area. I ask that you would be in prayer for this, that people's names and faces would not be the forefront of this movement, but rather the name of God. Also, that hearts and lives would be changed forever.
If you are a student in the Grand Rapids, West Michigan area, I strongly urge you to commit this to prayer and ask God what part he may have for you in this. God has great things planned for this generation.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:42-47