Thursday, September 10, 2009

Where's Genesis?

It's been far too long since I've updated on my challenge. I have planned when I finished Genesis to write a sweet little anicdote about how is was an amazing book and I'll miss it. Well, obvious that post never left my head.

Now I beg for Genesis to come back. I'm should be done with Exodus today, and tomorrow start the judgement day of Leviticus. I flipped ahead a couple of pages and almost after law after law after law. Where did the days of sunday school stories go?

I guess I shouldn't be complaining, I opened the card for the challenge. I promised that I would do this. I knew it would be hard.'s really really hard. This is where the rubber meets the road. I plan to keep to my word, but I've realized how much I need to sacrifice to keep my commitment. For example, the only TV I've watched in the last week has been maybe 2-3 of my favorite once-weekly shows. Today's the first time I've been on the computer for more than 10 minutes.

I don't mean to complain, just assert my feelings on the matter. This is really hard, and to be honest, I haven't asked God to help me much with it. Considering it's His words that I'm reading, I guess He can help me with the time factor, or even understanding it.

It's Day 37 and I'm struggling to get ib God's Word everyday.

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