Thursday, July 1, 2010

35 Days....

It's July!!! which is an exciting month for me. In 3 days I'm leaving to be a counselor at church camp for middle schoolers for a week. Faith, Hope, & Love Week (a local mission trip with other churches) is in 3 1/2 weeks. Fellow students are leaving for CIY in 2 1/2 weeks. And lastly, it is my last full month of my CIY Challenge. In 35 days, I will have read the entire Bible in a year. It's excited to say, and even more exciting to think about.

I believe I should start a countdown or something until I finish. Well, this is a short post, but I thought I'd let ya'll know where I'm at with this challenge. Even though Ezekiel is most likely the driest and toughest book to read (I'm more willing to read Revelation right now that Ezekiel), I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. God's word is truly amazing.

So readers, what have you been reading in God's Word lately?

Where has his spirit been leading you in the scriptures?

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