Monday, March 14, 2011

Giving God the Glory

I've been reading the book Radical by David Platt lately and so much that Platt introduces and challenges believers with coincides with my heart for Grand Rapids, West Michigan.

I was reading today about God's global purpose, and our role in that purpose. Plain and simple, God's purpose is to glorify himself. In absolutely everything he does, he gives himself glory. That's our purpose in life as well, though we are not very good at doing so.

Anyway, in one of his chapters he quotes a Christian American asking the question, Why am I so blessed when other have so little? The answer, though simple in nature, made so much unbelievable sense. We are greatly blessed, to bring him great glory.

It's so simple, yet so difficult to grasp and live out. Imagine if those who are greatly blessed (that means you!) turned around and gave all the glory back to God. Making it slightly more personal for college students or young adults, imagine if your able, healthy body, your intelligence, your good grades, your successful career, your relationships, your house, your car, everything that you've been blessed with, imagine if you immediately turned all the glory back to God and used those blessings to show to the rest of the earth God's glory.

If Christian Americans did that today, our nation would no longer be considered consumers, a selfish and greedy nation, but the most self-less nation in the world. Today, I would like to challenge you to take your blessings and give God the glory, then find some way to use those blessings to share God's glory and name with some one else. I'd love to hear your stories and/or opinion/thoughts on this. I'm no where near an expert on this, and do not speak from some pedestal of authority. I'm no better at this than the next person.

This week, I cling to the fact that God is still moving in GR and the world, though at times I do not see it with my eyes. Our God is always good.

1 comment:

  1. These are such profound and well put together thoughts. I wish I could live my life with half the determination you seem to have. You're attempting to bring the name of God to the forefront of people's minds and I respect that so much. I'm so glad that God has blessed my life so that I can call you my friend.
