Monday, August 3, 2009

Here it goes

I honestly have no idea how to start my first post, so here it goes. I'm really excited to start blogging, I've never done it before and I'm not a very good writer, so it may stink, but I want to share what God is doing through my life and this challenge I received.

So, i got back from CIY (a big youth conference at a college campus) a couple days ago. I've been to CIY's before, but coming home from this one was different. Different because I came home with a homework assignment for next year. Usually, the last night of camp or conferences end in a huge worship holler fest, but this one was different. Now, we did sing and end in a bang (balloon & toilet paper worship, check out my youth pastor's blog for a visual), but there was much more than that.

All, 1200 students were given an envelope with a challenge inside. There were 50 challenges, none easy and some requiring a lot. They ranged from selling something that's worth $500 and giving it to the poor to fasting one school meal a week and praying for the student and teachers in the school. As our group of 51 students and leaders circled up to talk about the evening and open envelopes. I myself wasn't sure how many student would open envelopes, let alone follow through with the challenges. What God did was amazing. It was amazing to see student after student open these envelopes with amazing challenges.

The thing that blew my mind the most: there were 50 different cards to choose from, there were 51 of us to open cards. So, everyone would've gotten a different card except one. we had 7 students open cards that told them to organize a debate between an Atheist and a Christian at our schools. 7 students! Now, I don't know stats, but what are the chances of that? Outside of God, impossible! I, personally, am excited to see what God will do with that.

Now, to get to the reason of this blog, my challenge. My challenge was to read the Bible cover to cover by next summer. I've never attempted to read through the whole Bible before, and I have the feeling that it's really hard. I do have someone to do this with me though. Anthony Campos came up to me after we opened cards that night and told me he wanted to read it with me. I am so excited to start this!!!

As Anthony and I read through God' Word, I'll be sharing what God's doing through us and other student who took a challenge from this last week. Be praying for us, we cannot do it without God. I cannot wait to see God move through his people this next year!

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